"Sean? You interested in checking it out?" Brittany asked.
Taylor looked at her two sisters. "Why don't the three of you go now and discover it for yourselves? Mom and I can teach Miguel and Raul how to play gin rummy."
Sean glanced at Kayla. "I would enjoy that. What do you say?"
Heart thumping, Kayla leaned her head back and looked into Sean's eyes. "Let's do it."
The three of them piled into Sean's Toyota Corolla, Brittany in the back seat, and drove down the street a half mile. They turned into a huge parking lot with a sign called Lorelei's Cabana Bar and Marina. Thumping music greeted them once they stepped out of the car and Brittany was off and running.
Sean swept an arm around Kayla's waist as they followed her toward the lights, the sounds of music and laughter and people and life.
"You’ve made Brit a very happy girl." Kayla bumped shoulders with Sean. "I'm so glad you agreed to this. I'm afraid she's getting island fever. Hanging with her mom and sisters every night is driving her batty."
"Where did you all live before coming here? Did you stay in New York after losing your father?"
"I moved to Philly, Taylor stayed in New York, and Mom and Brit were in New Jersey, about a half hour from the city. Brittany was used to a lot of action. She'd take the train in on weekends with some of her friends. They'd go partying till the wee hours of the morning.” Kayla paused. “It may have been a mistake to ask her to come to the resort."
When they reached the outdoor patio area, Brittany waved them over. "Someone just left," she said when they reached her, "and I managed to grab this table." She glanced around, smiling brightly. "Wow. This place is packed. Who knew?"
"We would have if we weren't working our butts off every day. We're usually all in bed by this time." Kayla yawned. "I'm already sleepy."
"Hell. We just got here. I'm going to dance the night away." Brittany grabbed Sean's arm. "Come on, Sean. Dance with me."
He looked at Kayla who nodded in agreement. "Go. Have fun. I'll hold the table and ask the waitress for a round of beers."
Sean allowed himself to be dragged off to the dance floor. He returned a short time later, and sank gratefully into a white plastic chair next to hers. "Brit's in her element," he said. "Must have been a dozen guys waiting to cut in."
"She loves to dance." While they waited for their drinks to arrive, she told Sean about Brit's childhood dream, and that she'd resorted to giving dance classes to children. "That's half the reason she left New Jersey and came here. She hated doing what she was doing. Once things settle down, she's going to find a dancing studio in Miami, get a dance partner and enter competitions."
"Looks like she might have found one."
He nodded to the dance floor and Kayla’s gaze followed his. Brittany was rubbing up against some guy with a long black ponytail, black jeans, and a purple tee. His arms were heavily tattooed, and he wore a silver ring in his ear. They were doing some sexy salsa dancing, and his thigh was well inside Brit's.
"Oh, oh. I see trouble."
"Me too. There's an angry looking woman headed her way."
They watched as the young woman with an angry scowl approached. She wore a red halter top that revealed a gold belly ring, skin tight jeans, and platforms with a four inch heel. Grabbing hold of Brittany’s hair, she attempted to pull her off her man. To Kayla's horror, Brittany didn't walk away. Instead, she flipped around and shoved the other girl, then continued to dance. The girl advanced again, and Brittany laughed in her face, then adding insult to injury, she slid her arms around the neck of her dance partner.
He nuzzled up close, ignoring his girlfriend. Like an angry bull after a matador, the girl lowered her head and butted between Brittany and her boyfriend. The brawl started. She pulled Brittany's hair, and Brit flailed about, trying to dodge her other fist.
Sean moved quickly and pulled the two women apart. He took a few good punches before he was able to extricate Brittany and lead her away.
By this time Kayla was on her feet. Appalled, she put a twenty dollar bill on the table, and without a word she took her sister by the arm, marching her out of there. "What were you thinking?" she asked. "Really, Brit. There were plenty of other men. Why didn't you simply walk away?"
"He asked me to dance, not the other way around. Besides, she was just a jealous bitch." Brit stomped off, but when she reached the car, she slumped against it and burst into tears. "I hate it here. I was just out to have a little fun, and then that stupid girl ruined everything."
"Oh, honey. I know you're unhappy." Kayla wrapped an arm around her, giving her a brief hug. However, her baby sister wasn’t five anymore. "But that was a pretty ugly display back there.” She glanced at Sean. “I'm sorry you had to witness that."
He held the back door open for Brittany and she stumbled in, still sobbing.
Kayla took her seat in the front, and spoke in hushed tones to Sean. "She's never like that.” She didn’t want Sean to think of her sister in bad terms. “Brit can be a little high strung, but I've never seen her so confrontational."
"That girl was a bitch," Brittany snapped. "She came after me."
Kayla reached a hand behind the seat to pat her sister's knee. "We’ll talk about this tomorrow. All of us. Mom needs to know what's going on."
"You're not going to tell her about the fight, are you?" Tears slid down Brittany's cheeks and Kayla’s eyes welled in empathy.
"No, but it's not fair for us to keep you here if you are so unhappy, honey. We will discuss this together, as a family."
She swiped at her eyes and sniffed. "I'm not unhappy—it's just that I wish I had a boyfriend and could do fun stuff with friends. Happy hour is like the biggest moment of our day. Not exactly exciting, ya know?"
"Yeah, I know. I don't think of it that way, but I can understand why you do." Kayla darted a glance at Sean, but he was looking straight ahead and she couldn't read his expression.
She focused on her sister, who needed her support right now. "There is no reason you and Taylor couldn't come out to the bars for dancing a few nights a week. You have the car and are free to do whatever you like. You've been a great help driving our guests around, and organizing their excursions. And you always take your turn manning the office. You don't have to stay cooped up with us every night. You need a life too."
"You don't seem to mind,” Brit said. “Neither does Tay."
"I'm always so exhausted by the end of the day that I'm happy relaxing around the place. And Tay? She's not much into socializing. I see her one day, married with a brood of happy kids. Don't you?"
"Crap. That sounds about as exciting as watching paint dry." She sniffled, and wiped her cheeks with a tissue that Kayla handed her. "That place seemed like a lot of fun," she whispered. "I should have walked away. Someone else might have danced with me."
Kayla laughed softly. "You were the most beautiful girl there. Of course they would have."
"I heard someone talk about Robbie's. It's supposed to be a happening place. Live music."
"There you go. We could even come with you." She glanced at Sean again. "If you'd like to, of course."
"We'll see,” Sean said. “Tomorrow I want to check on Juanita, and you should pick out some paint." His jaw was set, and Kayla wished they were alone so she could ask him what was wrong.
"So what's going on with you two, anyway?" Brittany asked. "You guys together?"
Sean shot Kayla a look, almost apologetic. "We're friends, Brit. I'm not ready for anything more."
He turned off the highway and drove down the dirt road to their cottages. He pulled up in front of Passions to let the women out. "See you in the morning. What time do you want to leave?"
Kayla opened her door. Obviously she was being dismissed. Was she being punished for Brittany's actions? She felt a flash of anger, fueled by pain. "Whatever works for you. You're fishing at six with Tom and Drew. Right?"
"Yeah. We'll be done by eight or half pa
st." His eyes held hers for a second longer, but she couldn't read them. "I'll pick you up around nine," he said. "Will that give you time to get your chores done?"
She nodded, then slid out of the car. Heart sinking, she watched Sean drive away.
The next morning Kayla decided not to wait for him to pick her up. She needed to have this conversation in private. She was breathing hard when she reached his step, and her stomach was twisted in knots. What had happened last night to make him turn away from her, as if she meant nothing to him? They'd had a wonderful evening, and his dismissal had felt like a slap in the face.
Sean opened the door after the first knock. He was wearing cargo shorts and nothing else, but the sight of his naked torso didn't elicit the usual response. She was still too upset by his actions.
"Hey," he said stepping away so she could enter. "I was about to shave and then come over."
"Decided to save you the trouble. So what was that all about last night?" She marched in and plopped down on the sofa. Her arms were crossed around her middle, in protective mode. She couldn't look at him. She'd either rip his head off or burst into tears.
"What was what about?" He truly looked perplexed. "The night had turned into a bummer so I dropped you home and left. What did you expect me to do?"
The night had turned into a bummer?
When she didn't answer he moved so he was standing right in front of her. "Your sister acted like a spoiled brat. I mean, look at her. She's got everything. Looks, smarts, a loving family. What the hell does she have to complain about?"
His assessment of her sister’s actions felt like an attack. Didn’t he remember being young? "She's twenty-five years old and we dragged her down to the Keys—away from her life. You have no right to judge her!"
"I'm not.” His voice was cool. “Just stating my observation."
She gave him a withering look. "Come on, Sean. Cut her some slack. This isn't exactly the most exciting place in the world. She didn't really want to come, but we talked her into it. The resort was left to the three of us and we figured we should all work it for a year, and make a decision after that." Kayla sighed. "She agreed, but reluctantly. Mom and Taylor and I were excited as hell."
"Doesn't excuse her behavior." He had his arms crossed over his bare chest. "She's a big girl. If she doesn't like it here, she can always leave. I'm sure the three of you won't force her to stay or cut her out of the will."
"Of course not!” What was his problem? She tried to explain. “Brit moved back home with Mom and Allan after she broke up with her boyfriend. Worked at a dance studio, which doesn’t pay much. Most of her money went for drinks and dancing in New York with her friends. The city isn't cheap."
He dropped his arms. "Why are you making excuses for her?"
"Why are you making a big deal out of nothing?" She scooted to the edge of the couch, sensing that this was out of her control.
He didn't say anything right away. She saw his jaw working. He looked all bent out of shape over something but she had no idea why. If he would only open up to her, perhaps she’d understand.
She sighed, not wanting to fight. Wanting everything to be the way it was before. Not perfect, but they had been getting close. "Well?" Her eyes met his. "What is it?"
"Your sister has everything, and claims that she's not happy. Don't you see?" His voice was anguished as he clenched his fists against his stomach. "My daughter will never see another sunrise. She will never grow up, go dancing, meet a man, fall in love. She will never laugh, or cry. Never hold a baby in her arms. Never make a fucking decision for herself." He strode toward the window, his back stiff as a board. She could only imagine how tightly he was holding his emotions in. It all made sense.
She jumped out of her seat and tried to put her arms around him, but he shook her away.
"I'm sorry, Sean. I really am.” God, the pain he felt showed in his tense shoulders, his furrowed brow. She lowered her voice. “But your daughter’s death isn't Brittany's fault. Nor is it mine.” He flinched. “You shouldn't hold us accountable for being alive."
He whirled on his heel, his eyes narrowed and hard. "I didn't expect you to understand."
She was quiet for a long moment, just studying him. This was the defensive man she’d first met on the porch weeks ago. Easier for him to lash out than let her in. She nodded. "But I do." Moving toward the door, she spoke in neutral tones, hiding her own broken heart. "You take Miguel and Raul to the hospital, and I'll go pick up the paint. I don't need you or Miguel for that."
"Fine. That's a good idea."
"Bye, Sean." She closed the door behind her and walked slowly back to Passions. What a rotten name for their cottage. She'd change that today.
When Kayla entered the kitchen, she found Brittany and her mother sitting at the table, drinking coffee and eating raison toast.
"Come join us," her mom said, then catching a look at her face, she dropped the toast on her plate. "Yikes. What happened? Don't tell me you had a fight with Dr. Steamy? You looked all lovey-dovey last night when you left here."
Brittany colored and gave her a guilty look. "Oh-oh. Was it because of me?"
Anna eyed her younger daughter. "What did you do? Make a play for him? They're an item. Didn't you know that?"
"You guys are?" She grinned. "I was hoping it was true, but then when I asked he denied it. Why would he do that?"
"Because he's an ass, that's why," Kayla snapped. She poured herself a cup of coffee, added a healthy dose of cream and sat down. "And no, it's not because of you. He's gone off again. Just when I thought he was coming out of his funk, he's back wallowing in it. Not that he doesn't have good reason to be hurting, but can't he allow himself to be happy for just a little longer?" Her eyes teared up. "Just yesterday he told me that I made him want to live again, and now he acts like he resents me for it."
"Men!" her sister muttered. "Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em."
"Oh, sweetheart," her mother rose, and put an arm around her, kissing the top of her head. "He'll come around. Just give him time."
"I'd give him all the time in the world, if I thought that's what it would take." She bit her bottom lip to stop from crying. "I don't think he wants to be happy. Feels guilty or something. About his daughter." For being alive.
"He shouldn't, but it's natural in a way," Anna said. "He has to go on living without her, and that's a heavy burden to bear. It takes time, my dear. But one day he will feel differently, and allow joy back in his life." Tears filled her eyes. "He deserves it, and so do you."
"Yeah, well, tell that to the moon." She took a sip of her coffee, then put the mug down. "Anyway, enough about me. Now that we're talking about unhappy, we need to talk about you," she said with a glance at her sister. "Have you told Mom how you feel about being here?"
Brittany pulled her hair up onto her head and tied it in a knot. "No. I haven't gotten around to it yet." She rubbed her eyes, and Kayla could see they were red rimmed and puffy.
"You're not happy?" Anna frowned. "This is a wonderful place, and we're meeting so many nice people." She looked into her daughter's face. "Are you lonely, sweetheart? You need to find yourself a boyfriend, that's what! That will fix whatever is ailing you."
Kayla snickered, surprising herself. She hadn't expected anything to amuse her today. "Oh, Mom. You always think a man is the answer to every problem."
"And I'm usually right," she answered with a bright smile. "That's what you three girls need. A loving man." She corrected herself, "Actually three of them."
They all laughed, the tension broken. Anna turned to her youngest daughter. "You know that you can tell me anything, right? If you are really miserable here, you don't have to stay. We will support you no matter what you want to do."
"I know, Mom. I'm not going to bail on you yet. I'm willing to give it a little more time. At least see the busy season out."
"Thank you, honey. Hopefully, by then
things will be looking up. Lot's of action around here. Who knows? You might love it after all."
"I might," Brittany agreed, and gave her mom a hug. "You're an optimist, Mom. That's one of the things I love about you."
Kayla got up from the table and put her cup in the dishwasher. "I'm going out to buy paint. Miguel and Sean have gone to the hospital. Who wants to go with me?"
"I will," Brittany said. "Maybe we can do lunch together afterwards."
"Sure. First let’s decide on colors for the cottages. We’ll be living with these colors for a long, long time. Let's take a walk around the grounds and try to visualize how it'll look. Then we can make a list so we know what to buy."
The women got excited about this idea, and with pad and colored pencils in hand the three of them walked around the cottages, coordinating colors. Pinks and blues and mauve, yellow and green, and different shades of each color, all trimmed in white. The place would be postcard perfect by the time they were through, which Kayla hoped would coincide with tourist season.
With a solid plan in mind, Kayla and Brittany drove over to Home Goods and spent an hour with a young fellow who helped them choose their colors. By the time they left, Brittany had a potential date that following weekend. They stopped at a charming place called The Half Way Cafe for a quick bite to eat, then hit Wal-Mart to pick up a few items for Juanita and the baby.
Strolling through the aisles, Kayla had to restrain herself from getting carried away. There were so many lovely things to buy for a baby, and the family had no money. Curbing her enthusiasm, she and Brittany tried to make good decisions.
"Should we buy a bassinet or a crib?' Brittany asked, fingering a beautiful wooden crib that would be good for a few years. It was also ridiculously expensive.
"I don't know. Gosh. There are so many choices here." They wandered around and she noticed a young pregnant woman with her mother, choosing one item after another. Kayla walked over to the two women, happily shopping for what was possibly the first grandbaby.